Delivery fees may vary, depending on the size of the item purchased, and the final delivery postcode. Please contact us prior to making a purchase to confirm what delivery fee is applicable. Delivery fees are normally payable directly to the courier unless specified otherwise. Collection of items from our studio in York is possible with prior arrangement.

For more details on all aspects of deliveries, please refer to our FAQ page.



Should you change your mind and would like to cancel/return an item for a refund, please contact us within 7 days of receiving it to confirm your intention. The item(s) will then need to be returned within 14 working days of receiving it before any refund is arranged. If an item has been already delivered, the original delivery fee is non-refundable, and any associated delivery costs with returning the item are your responsibility (unless an item has arrived damaged - see 'Damaged Goods’). Items must be returned in their original condition and ideally in their original packaging, or suitable replacement packaging. Any damage to items incurred as a result of them being returned to EP will be deducted from any refunded amount. We are unable to exchange items.

Bespoke pieces purchased via our ‘Commission Service’ are non-refundable.



Upon delivery, you will be asked to fully inspect your purchase prior to signing the courier's paperwork to indicate that the item has arrived in good condition. This is to avoid any potential dispute further down the line, and allows you an opportunity to identify and query any unlikely damage with the courier there and then. Any subsequent claim for damage should be reported to Eclectica Projects with photographic evidence within 24 hours of delivery. We can then work with the courier to review the information provided and reach a resolution accordingly. Any claim will be treated individually, and resolution options may include repair, partial or full refund, depending on the specific circumstances of the claim.



Once your requirements have been determined as part of our Commission Service, Eclectica Projects will put together documentation confirming the agreed specification together with a payment schedule. In order to commence work, Eclectica Projects require a non-refundable 50% deposit. This deposit secures a place in our production schedule, as well as covering the design consultation work to date, and enabling us to secure any specific materials in order to complete the project. The balance 50% will be payable upon completion of production, and prior to delivery.



By definition, vintage furniture has been around for a good while - sometimes 50 years or more - so the likelihood is that during that time it will have incurred some signs of use or wear. Whilst EP pride ourselves at our restorative skills and care in refinishing items, invariably some signs of the furniture’s previous life may remain, yet these only serve to enhance its vintage appeal. We'll always try and indicate the extent of this within listings, and photograph any particular areas of concern. Should you have any particular concerns or require any specific information regards a piece’s condition or history, feel free to contact me and I'll be happy to help.